Developing low-carbon and resilient community energy systems is much more than deploying well-designed engineering design schematics. It takes understanding of climate risk and opportunities, a dedicated community of supporters, the right technical partners, and a solid business case.

Climate Risk
& Opportunity

Resilient & Low Carbon is Smart planning

Canada faces significant climate-related risks in the coming years, warming at twice the global average. As the marketplace and the government policy continue to align with the science, forward thinking businesses that have planned for climate change by both mitigating and adapting to the threat will be well-positioned to benefit in a low-carbon and resilient economy.


Set your objectives, gather data and go

Learn about getting started with district energy by setting your economic, social or environmental objectives. Begin collecting information on building density, mix of uses, local fuel sources, age of buildings, etc.

Develop an energy map to help plan for an eventual thermal network, capturing the physical barriers and potential development opportunities. Understand the system architecture and technology options aligned with the local conditions.

Community Champions
& Partnerships


Learn about bringing potential partners, service providers, community members and regulatory bodies together to discuss district energy. Local governments with dense cores, institutional organizations with large footprints, and developers planning green buildings may be a key anchor load to help de-risk your project.

Understand the various technical partners and service providers ready to help support the planning, design and development of your district energy system.

The Business Case

It has to be cheaper than the status quo

If there is no requirement for mandatory hook-up in your area, then developers and property managers will not join your project unless you have a better business case than the status quo. Learn about the many facets of developing a winning business case, such as conducting an initial market assessment, building a financial model, assessing risks, selecting potential business models, marketing, procurement and operation and maintenance.

Contact Quest Canada

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350 Albert Street, Suite 1220
Ottawa, ON K1R 1A4

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2200 Yonge St., Unit 300
Toronto, Ontario, M4S 2C6

PHONE - YMCA of Greater Toronto

Toll Free: 1-800-223-8024
Fax: 416-928-2030